Spiritual Journey: How it Started and Where I Am Today

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Starting my spiritual journey was opening a door of uncertainty

I would love to say that I just woke up one day and said, (inserts yawning sound) how about a spiritual journey?! This is before I knew that all of life is a spiritual journey, just saying. I’m going to close the door and say goodbye to most of everything and everyone that I know. Doesn’t that sound amazing?!?!?! Oh yeah, I don’t have the slightest idea of where I’m going, I just know that it’s time to go. Lovely, right? And then with the snap of your fingers it all shifts and you’ve reached your destiny. Check, please? That’s exactly how it’s been going, notttttt. Let’s be honest, if we were shown the way, would we go?!?!

Being kept in place

Comfortableness feels good. You often know what, when and how to expect things. Looking back I’ve seen how life can become very routine. I also learned that many of my habits were not ideal for the way I wanted life to be. It’s been challenging to deprogram, stop people pleasing, heal, detach, surrender (accept) and transform. Even saying all of that got me a little winded. I put accept in parenthesis because when I previously heard it, I associated it with giving up. I’ve literally said out loud, “I surrender, now what?” Accept is in parenthesis in the event we think the same. While a spiritual journey can be challenging, it’s quite rewarding as it has shown me how I’ve evolved through the years. As I began writing this blog I paused and said it’s me. Meaning that validation subsided and self-acceptance arrived.

Starting to see the light

After years of repeat, here I AM. I’m Gregory of course. I won’t go into a list of labels because I believe that has kept me limited throughout life. Consider stopping for a second and think of any association or group, then think of the various ways said group or organization has defining characteristics and beliefs. Not only that, while parents do their best, the things that they share with us are major factors in our belief systems. Often what I’ll hear is that because he belongs here, he does x y and z…You get the drift, right?! While I don’t have any labels here are a few fun facts – I follow Jesus, read and write daily, love asking questions and love to meet new people. I’m excited to interact with all of you. I hope you stay tuned so that we can journey together!

Spiritually aware

Aren’t we all connected and are experiences are for each other to learn and grow from? About two years ago I learned that I’m more than human. No, I’m not an alien. I learned that within me lies my spirit and that blew my mind. I work diligently to get closer to my inner being daily and match my outer with my inner. Life is unfolding in a new direction and I want to share learnings that I pick up along the way. This moment is a place where I have the opportunity to break a cycle that I’m now aware of and I’m going to break it!! I thought this would be a good place to start as it feels I’ve been born again. It feels amazing to have a fresh start. I’m excited for our journey together and the community we will build!

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